A “Four-piece” animated special (streaming September 13 on Disney+), where the entire galaxy gets completely mixed up, reversing good and evil.
History will be rebuilt.
A nerf-herder discovers an artifact that twists the Star Wars universe, swapping the roles of heroes and villains. He embarks on an adventure to restore order and emerge as the savior who reassembles the fractured galaxy.
Running time
4 x 22 mins
Release Date
September 13 2024
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Dan Hernandez and Benji Samit
Executive Producers
Benji Samit, Dan Hernandez, James Waugh, Jacqui Lopez, Josh Rimes, Jill Wilfert, Jason Cosler, Keith Malone
Produced For
Lego and Disney+