Aug 31, 2018Press Releases

Bc Gov News: The Bc Jobs Plan Puts British Colombians First

Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour Shirley Bond and Parliamentary Secretary Greg Kyllo today gave an update on British Columbia’s economic progress since the BC Jobs Plan release in 2011 and a preview of where the jobs plan is headed in the five-year update later this fall.

Since the launch of the BC Jobs Plan in 2011, British Columbia went from fourth in economic growth to first today, expanding by 3% ($6 billion) in 2015. British Columbia is also expected to lead the country again in the next two years.

While month-to-month numbers vary, job growth and unemployment are also moving in the same direction. The province went from ninth in job growth to leading the country with the highest job creation record in Canada of 7.9%. British Columbia now has record employment with over 2.3 million British Columbians working and has added over 176,000 jobs since 2011.
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